The Unvanquished
This palm sized icositetragon timepiece contains an array of symbols and gears, and is struck from several unique and exotic alloys.
This item behaves as a Homebound Timepiece, except as follows:
When used as an Ioun Stone, all Ioun Stones the user has equipped enter a rhythmic synchronicity with it and hands are not required to utilize its properties. While it and at least one other Ioun Stone are in synchronicity, anyone who can see them may spend a minute and attempt a DC 20 Knowledge (Engineering)
check to determine the current local time regardless of the plane or geographical location. The DC for this check is reduced by the total number of Ioun Stones in synchronicity.
This artifact was created by Tauses. Tauses' home plane was destroyed.
When you cast Mage Armor, this item automatically casts Shield on you. This Shield spell ends when the Mage Armor spell ends or when the timepiece becomes unequipped.
The Unvanquished acts as a tuning fork for any plane depicted on the device for Plane Shift. In its current form, it can be used to visit each plane once. In their strongest forms, Sephony's bow could be used to actually cast Plane Shift